Fire Pro Wrestling World Caws Download

Caws for PS4 fire pro wrestling world. Posted by 2 years ago. Caws for PS4 fire pro wrestling world. How do you download caws. Fire Pro Wrestling World to put it succinctly is 'Better than the rest.' The Fire Pro Wrestling series found its beginning back in 1989, the brainchild of Japanese programmer Masato Masuda who had already made waves in the video game industry programming the critical and commercial success 'Pro Wrestling' on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Mitchell’s NJPW AXS TV Results: King of Pro-Wrestling 2019 Part 1! All posts tagged 'Fire Pro Wrestling World Mods' Video 3 years ago. You've reached the best place for CAWs/Edits, Movesets, FAQs & Guides, Videos & more for Fire Pro Wrestling Returns! Not only do we have CAWs of all your favourite wrestlers from promotions such as WWE, TNA, WCW, ECW, CZW and ROH, we also have original CAWs and Non-Wrestler CAWs too! Fire Pro World Directory. Set the directory where Fire Pro Wrestling World is installed here. This will allow the program to read information from the Game DLL, as well as any external files (read: ring textures). FPW Workshop Directory. Set the directory to the Steam Workshop folder for Fire Pro Wrestling World.

Manual for v1.1.0.0 (2018/01/13; January 13, 2018)
Program and Manual written by freem

How to download a VMU savegame? SAVE THE VMI FILE AND THE VMS FILE TO THE SAME DIRECTORY WITHOUT RENAMING THEM! YOU NEED THE VMI FILE AND THE VMS FILE, BOTH ARE NECESSARY AND CAN'T BE USED SEPARATELY! The VMI file only contains file's info (size, name, etc.), as for the VMS file it contains savegame's data. Wrestling World - 3 Viewing. Discussion centered around the latest game in the Fire Pro Wrestling series, Fire Pro Wrestling World! Available now on Steam and PS4! Moderator: Brick9mm. Sub-board: Fire Promoter. 570: 16,584: Great animated moves (Steam version) by Staubhold Dec 12, 2020 0:29:24 GMT: Creativity - 2 Viewing.

Table of Contents

  1. Save Data Sections
  2. Importing Wrestlers from Fire Pro Wrestling Returns
  3. Database Sections


The Fire Pro Wrestling World Save Tool is a program for viewing and manipulatingthe data found in Fire Pro World save files.

The Save Data

ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS!! This is recommended advice regardlessof mod/tool usage.

Fire Pro Wrestling World's save data is stored by default in a folder matchingthis pattern:


The file you'll want to open is called 'savedata.dat'. In fact, before you evendecide to open the save data in the editor, you'll want to make a backup of it.Don't save it in the same folder, though; Steam likes to pick up any similarlynamed file and store it in the Cloud, which can deprive you of storage space.

Do not open the save in the editor while the game is running.

Another note is that as of game version 1.0000, the save data structure haschanged. If you have a save from game version 0.9700 or earlier, please load itin game version 1.0000 (or later) before using it with this program. This programlacks the necessary failsafe routines to upgrade the save data for you.

Save Data Version Information

Game VersionSave VersionNotes
0.9000 to 0.90040Original save data format.
0.90051First major update of the save data structures.
  • Game Options: Added Screen Resolution option.
  • Match Options: Array size 800 → 1000 (for S-1 mode).
  • Edit Wrestlers: Added Texture Cache ID, Invalidate Texture Cache flag.
0.9006, 0.90072
  • Edit Wrestlers: Added Theme Music Filename string.
0.9008, 0.90093
  • Game Options: Added Cache option.
  • Ring Data: Added three String members.
  • Game Options: Added Crowd Volume option.
  • Appearance Data: Expanded body part scale values from 5 entries to 9.
  • Edit Wrestlers: Expanded priority slot count from 3 entries to 10.
0.9011-0.9013, 0.9500, 0.97005
  • Ring Data: Added two more String members, bringing the total to five custom texture filenames.
  • Workshop Data: Updated structures to include RingCraft (custom ring texture) items.
1.0000, 1.01006

The game is out of the Early Access period.

  • General: Downloadable content support. (New 'DLCInfo' chunk, changes to Preset Wrestler Order data structure, etc.)
  • Edit Wrestlers: Expanded priority slot count from 10 to 12.

The Progress Data

Progress data is generated when you save a Tournament or League in-game.The file that gets created is called fpw_progress.dat, and it islocated in the game's executable folder.

Known Issues

The following issues with the program are known:

  • [General] Tab button travel order is inconsistent in various dialogs.
  • [General] The Japanese translation is incomplete.
  • [Orgs/Groups dialog] Tree view closes after moving an organization or group. Thishappens due to the required rewriting of the list. A solution may be looked into atsome point in the future.
  • [General] Attempting to delete wrestlers has caused various issues, so it hasbeen removed as of v1.0.9.2. Deleting wrestlers may return in a future release,but a large amount of bugtesting will be required before it can be re-added.

Main Window

Upon opening the program, the Main Window appears. This is the main controlpoint of the program, where you can open, close, and write changes to save data.It also contains menus leading to the save data information, progress data, itemdatabases, and program options, which are explained in later sections.

Opening the Save File

There are three ways to open the save data file:

  1. Via the File menu ('File', 'Open Save Data...'); keyboard shortcut Control+O
  2. Dragging the save data file onto the main form.
  3. Dragging the save data file onto the program icon, or adding the path to the savefile after the executable name on the command line.

Upon opening a save file, a dialog may appear; this is related to the saveversion number. If the save version number is lower than the current known version,you will be asked to load the save file in Fire Pro World to update it to thelatest version.

However, if the save number is higher than the current known version, theprogram will let you know that editing the save file is not safe. If this is thecase, please wait for freem to provide an updated version of the Save Toolbefore making any changes.

After opening a file, the Main Window changes:

The text box in the middle contains various information about the save data,including save chunk information. The status bar text is replaced with the locationof the opened save data file.

Program Options

The Program Options dialog (Available from the Main window via 'Options'→'Program Options...') contains various settings that relate to how the Save Tooloperates.

In order to properly set these directories, you will need to know the locationwhere Steam is installed. If your game library is in a different location fromthe main Steam install, you might need to use that as the base directory instead.

Fire Pro World Directory

Set the directory where Fire Pro Wrestling World is installed here. This willallow the program to read information from the Game DLL, as well as any externalfiles (read: ring textures).

FPW Workshop Directory

Set the directory to the Steam Workshop folder for Fire Pro Wrestling World.The path to this directory is not exactly straightforward. It will end with thegame's Steam ID of '564230', and will contain various folders with numerical names,depending on how many workshop items you've downloaded.

Save Data Sections

Once a save file is opened, the 'Save Data' menu item is enabled. This menuprovides access to various sections of the save data.


View and change Fire Pro Wrestling World's game options. The options are splitinto two different groups: Main Options and Sound Options.

Main Options

  • Controller Vibration: Will the controller vibrate on impacts?
  • Skip Entrances: Determine if entrances are shown in arenas that support them.
  • Display Mode: Switch between Windowed and Full Screen.
  • Language: Toggle the game's language between English and Japanese.
  • VSync: Will the game sync to vertical refresh? If this is checked, Online mode is disabled.
  • Screen Resolution: (Added in v0.9005) Set the windowed mode screen resolution without resorting to registry hacks.
  • Wrestler Cache: (Added in v0.9008) Toggle the use of the wrestler texture cache.

Sound Options

  • Sound Effect Volume: Volume for general sound effects.
  • Voice Volume: Volume for voices.
  • Crowd Volume: (Added in v0.9010) Volume for crowd noise.
  • Menu BGM Volume: Menu background music volume.
  • Entrance BGM Volume: Wrestler entrance background music volume.
  • Match BGM Volume: Match background music volume.

When opening earlier save versions, some options are not available.


The Controls dialog allows you to view the control mappings for controllersand the keyboard. Where available, button equivalents for Saturn, Playstation,and Xbox controllers are shown.

Mappings can not be changed through this program; it's better to changecontroller mappings in-game.


Up to eight controller mappings are stored in the save data. The 'ControllerGUID' value is a unique identifier for the controller being used.

Fire pro wrestling world caws download ps4


The Keyboard tab lists the active control mappings for the keyboard. Not everyscan code has a matching string, sadly. That's part of why this is incomplete.

Match Settings

The Match Options are going to take a while to fix... Some values are decodedproperly, but others aren't mapped to the options yet.

The available match types change based on the save version (S-1 Rules Matchwas added in save version 1).

The Battle Royal tab values may not be correct. Approach with caution.


Fire Pro Wrestling World keeps track of a number of statistics. These include:

  • Number of Matches: The number of matches played.
  • Number of Edit Wrestlers: The number of edit wrestlers, bothlocal and subscribed.
  • Number of Edit Referees: The number of edit referees, bothlocal and subscribed.
  • Number of Edit Belts: The number of edit belts created.
  • Number of Edit Rings: The number of edit rings created.

The last four items are related to the creation of ID values for various items.An accurate count for each group of data is also provided.

Edit Wrestlers

The Edit Wrestler dialog shows information for the wrestlers in the save.

  • Wrestler ID: The local ID of the wrestler. All edit wrestler IDs start at 10000 and are shared with Local and Workshop wrestlers.
  • Display Name: The wrestler's display name, taking into account the name order and name separator.
  • Nickname: The wrestler's nickname, as defined in the Profile.
  • Location: The current location of the wrestler, in the format '[Organization] - [Group]'.
  • Finisher Name: The wrestler's finisher name.
  • Edit Points: The number of edit points this wrestler uses, along with a bar representing the amount compared to the maximum of 380.
  • Signature Moves: Wrestlers have up to four Signature Move slots.
  • Texture Cache ID: (Added in v0.9005; implemented in v0.9008) ID for the wrestler's cached textures.
  • Invalidate Texture Cache: (Added in v0.9005; implemented in v0.9008) Tells the game to regenerate the cached textures?
  • Flags: A numeric flag with unknown purpose?
  • Wrestler Type: Wrestler type, either Local or Workshop. If this is a Workshop wrestler, its ID is shown next to the text box as a link; clicking this link brings up the relevant entry in the Workshop dialog.
  • Item Timestamp: (Workshop wrestler only) Shows the date and time of the last reported update for this wrestler.
  • Workshop Title: (Workshop wrestler only) The title of the Workshop wrestler as given by the author.
  • Item Author: (Workshop wrestler only) If the author of this item is known, the Steam User ID and friendly name are displayed.

Right clicking the Skills, Parameters, Moveset, and CPU Logic buttons displaysa context menu, which can be used to copy and paste these items to other editwrestlers.


The Clone button clones the currently selected wrestler to a new slot.


The Import button allows you to import wrestlers from Fire Pro Wrestling Returns,using .fpwedit files generated by the 'FirePro Wrestling Returns Wrestler Tool' written by freem.

More information about importing wrestlers can be found in the 'ImportingWrestlers from Fire Pro Wrestling Returns' section.


Deletes the currently selected wrestler from the local data. As of version1.0.5.1, local subscription data is removed for Workshop wrestlers.


The Find button allows you to search for wrestlers in your save file via text.In the current version, the search covers the wrestler's display name, as well astheir Workshop item title (if one exists; Subscribed items only). Japanese IMEsupport is highly recommended for searching in Japanese.

View Hashes

The 'View Hashes' button pops up a dialog showing SHA256 hashes for variousparts of the Edit Wrestler, as well as a SHA256 hash for the overall wrestlerdata. Two export options are available: just the main hash, or all of thehashes in the dialog. Both end up as simple text files.

This feature has a few uses that aren't immediately obvious:

  • Homing in on what actually changed between versions of a wrestler.
  • Determining if a wrestler shares the same Skills, Parameters, Moveset, or CPU Logic as another wrestler.

A new feature in v1.0.3.0 is the ability to check for the default modelwrestler's skills, parameters, moveset, and logic. When the hash of an editwrestler for a specified section matches the hash for the default wrestler'sdata in the same section, the background of the relevant hash box turns salmon.

This is what an Appearance-only edit looks like (some values blocked out toprotect the guilty party). If you see this, it's probably best to either deletethe wrestler or clone and overhaul it.


The Profile dialog contains basic information about the wrestler.

Name Info
  • Short Name: The wrestler's short name, used during selection.
  • Name Separator: The character separating the short and long names.
  • Long Name: The wrestler's long name.
  • Name Flip: Determine the name's display order.
  • Nickname: Set the wrestler's nickname.
Profile Info
  • Country: Set the wrestler's country of origin.
  • Weight Class: Set the wrestler's weight class.
  • Height: Set the wrestler's height (in centimeters). The box next to the height shows imperial measurements from the game and the actual value.
  • Weight: Set the wrestler's weight (in kilograms). The box next to the weight shows imperial measurements from the game and the actual value.
  • Birthday: Set the wrestler's birthday, or set the year to 1899 for 'Unknown'.
  • Gender: Choose from the four gender options provided.


Clicking the Appearance button brings up the Appearance dialog. As it's stilla work in progress, not everything can be edited. The exact same dialog is usedfor Referee appearances.

  • Body Size: Set the body size from the available options.
  • Stance: Select the wrestler's stance.

Fire Pro World v0.9010 expanded the scale values from five entries to nine.Since the amount of work required to allow for editing both versions of the scaleis too much, the new Appearance dialog only works with newer save data.

  • Head Scale: Control scaling for the head.
  • Chest Scale: Control scaling for the Chest.
  • Waist Scale: Control scaling for the Waist.
  • Upper Arm Scale: Control scaling for the Upper Arm.
  • Forearm Scale: Control scaling for the Forearm.
  • Hand Scale: Control scaling for the hands.
  • Thigh Scale: Control scaling for Thighs.
  • Calf/Shin Scale: Control scaling for Calves/Shins.
  • Foot Scale: Control scaling for Feet.
Costume Sections

From left to right, the values for each part of the costume are as follows:

  • First text box: Item texture filename.
  • Color panel: The color used for this layer.
  • Second text box: Highlight value (in-game representation followed by stored value)

Color panels can be right clicked to display a context menu, allowing for copyingand pasting of colors.

Import Appearance

Pressing the 'Import...' button brings up a file dialog. The file format dropdown box gives a choice between three formats:

  • .fpwapx: FPW Save Tool Appearance Export (see 'Export Appearance' section below)
  • .fpwedit: Fire Pro Returns Wrestler Edit
  • wcos/rcos (a.k.a. 'xcos'): Wrestler and Referee costume format found in the game's data.

Depending on what format is being imported, one of two dialogs will appear.

Import Appearance (.fpwapx, xcos)

When selecting an .fpwapx file or an xcos format file, the default ImportAppearance dialog appears:

The Import Appearance dialog can be a bit tricky to deal with if you haven'tseen it before. Notes about the costume appear in the Notes box (if the importedcostume format supports them).

The top left portion of the dialog determines which costumes to import (viacheckboxes), as well as what slot to import them to (represented with drop down boxes).

The middle-bottom portion of the dialog allows you to pick separate body partsto import. Dealing with these checkboxes can be tricky.

Once you've finished selecting what costumes to import, as well as the body partsto use, press the 'Import Appearances' button to perform the importing.

It should be noted that attempting to import costumes into multiple slots outof order will re-order them. You will need to use the 'Swap Costumes' feature tofix the appearance order.

Import Appearance (.fpwedit)

When selecting an .fpwedit file, the Save Tool attempts to convertthe wrestler's appearance to Fire Pro World. Please see the Notesand Limitations section of Chapter 5 ('Importing Wrestlers from Fire Pro Wrestling Returns')for more information on Fire Pro Returns appearance importing.

  • File: Path to the filename of the Returns wrestler to import the costume of.
  • Wrestler Name: Name of the Returns wrestler whose costume is being imported.
  • Edit Maker: Creator of the wrestler, if known.
  • Biography: Biography from the Returns wrestler data.
  • Notes: Any notes given by the person exporting the data.
  • Target Costume Slot: The costume slot where the Returns wrestler's appearance will be imported to.

After selecting a slot to import the costume into, press the 'Import' buttonto import the costume.

Export Appearance

Select which costumes you'd like to export on the left hand side, then writesome notes about the exported costumes in the Notes box. Finally, hit the Exportbutton, and save the file. (Preferably using the Fire Pro Wrestling Save Toolformat, so your notes get saved.)

Swap Costumes

The Swap Costumes button allows you to swap two costume slots. This featureprimarily exists to counter-act the Import Appearance's failsafe feature, whichwill sometimes re-order your costume imports.


View and change the wrestler's skills here.

Custom theme music from Save Version 1/Game Version 0.9005 (based on indices)is not supported. Custom theme music from Save Version 2/Game Version 0.9006(based on filenames) is supported.

The custom theme music filename currently cannot be changed due to factorsoutside of my control.


View and change the wrestler's parameters here.


View the wrestler's moveset, and change certain aspects of it. Also hasa spot to change the finisher name.

Only the Voice, Signature/Finisher flags, and Finisher Name can be edited.You can only have one Finisher, and up to four Signature moves.

Voice Values
  1. No Voice
  2. Voice 1
  3. Voice 2

CPU Logic

Read-only CPU Logic dialog. Can't change anything here, sorry.

Edit Referees

Referee data can be viewed and changed here.

  • Referee Name: The name of the Referee.
  • Referee Type: Local or Workshop Referee. If the Referee is a Workshop item, the ID is listed to the right; it can be clicked to view the subscribed Referee data in the Workshop dialog.
  • Down Time: How long the Referee will stay down when knocked down.
  • Fall Count: How fast the Referee counts pinfalls.
  • DQ Count: How fast the Referee performs the disqualification count.
  • Walk Speed: How fast the Referee moves.
  • Outside Count: How quickly the Referee counts when a wrestler is outside the ring.
  • Run in Check:
  • Involvement:
  • Voice Type: The voice the referee uses.

Pressing the 'Appearance Data...' button will bring up the Appearance dialog.The Appearance dialog is the same as the one used for Edit Wrestlers, except thestance is locked to Referee, and only the first costume is saved.

The buttons under the Referee list:

  • Clone: Clone the current referee to a new slot.
  • Delete: Deletes the currently selected referee. As of version1.0.5.1, deleting a workshop referee removes the local subscription data.

Edit Rings

The Edit Ring section of the program has eclipesed freem's (now dead) stand-alonering editor, but is otherwise similar to it. The only difference at the momentis that the Date value does not get modified when a ring is changed.

Ring List Buttons

  • New: Add a new ring.
  • Delete: Delete the currently selected ring. (WARNING: Does not check Progress or Title data yet.)
  • Import: Import a new ring using data exported from this tool.
  • Export: Export the currently selected ring data to an external file.

Ring Information

  • Ring ID: The internal ID of this ring.
  • Ring Name: The displayed name of this ring.
  • Date: The date the ring was last updated.

Design Elements

  • Mat Type: Select the mat design type.
  • Corner Pad Type: Select the corner pad type.


The Colors section is split into four parts.

  • Main: Change the mat and apron colors.
  • Ropes: Change the color of the ring ropes.
  • Pads: Change the color of the corner pads.
  • Posts: Change the color of the ring posts.

Left clicking on a color panel will open a color editor.

Right clicking on a color panel displays a context menu with three options.Copy and Paste allows you to use the same color in multiple places. The 'CustomTexture Fix' option resets the specified color to white, so the texture is displayedwithout any tinting. This is primarily used with Carlzilla's custom mat/turnbuckletexture modification.

Texture Filenames

Custom Ring Texture support was added in game version 0.9011. Custom texturefilenames are shown if they exist. Right now, the boxes are read-only.

  • Ring Mat: Custom texture for the ring mat.
  • Left Apron: Custom texture for the left ring apron.
  • Right Apron: Custom texture for the right ring apron.
  • Corner Mats: Custom texture for the corner mats (turnbuckle pads).
  • Posts: Custom texture for the outer corner posts (metal poles).

Organizations and Groups

The Organizations and Groups dialog is your new best friend. The 'Retired'section is displayed as '未登録' in this program, since that's what the savedata actually contains for those sections.

You can re-order groups and organizations (that aren't the Retired section)nearly anywhere by dragging and dropping them. Since the default TreeView controldoesn't provide a nice insertion mark, trying to drag an item to the top of asection can be painful.

If moving a Group to the top of an Organization list, drag the Group itemonto the target Organization. You can not move an organization above theRetired organization.

Org/Group Information

The top portion of the right hand side of the dialog allows you to view andedit information about the selected group or organization.

  • ID: ID and Type of the selected Group or Organization.
  • Sort Order: Current location in the Group or Organization sort order.
  • Long Name: Long name for the currently selected Group or Organization.
  • Short Name: Short name for the currently selected Group or Organization.
  • Alignment: (Groups only) The Face/Neutral/Heel alignment for a group. Primarily effects Second behavior.
Member Wrestlers

The 'Member Wrestlers' section of the dialog lists all of the wrestlers in theselected organization or group. If a wrestler is a Workshop wrestler, the subscribeditem title will appear after their name. Select whichever wrestlers you'd like tomove using the mouse (hold Control to toggle a selection anywhere in the listwithout losing the current selection), then press the 'Move Wrestlers' button.

Move Wrestlers

The Move Wrestlers dialog appears once you've selected wrestlers to move.Their current location is noted at the top. The wrestlers to be moved are in themiddle; they can't be changed at this point (this could change in future versions).The bottom of the dialog contains the Destination Group option, which is wherethe wrestlers will be moved to. Pressing the 'Move Wrestlers' button will performthe move.

Add New...

The 'Add New...' button allows you to create new organizations and groups.By default, it brings up the organization section of the dialog:

  • Long Name: The full name of the new organization.
  • Short Name: The short name of the new organization.

After pressing OK, the new organization will be added to the bottom ofthe list in the main Organizations and Groups dialog.

If you wish to make a new group, select the 'Group' radio button; the dialogwill change appearance:

  • Long Name: The full name of the new group.
  • Short Name: The short name of the new group.
  • Alignment: The alignment of the new group; primarily used for Second interference.
  • Parent Organization: Which organzation the new group should belong to.

After pressing OK, the new group will be added to the list in the mainOrganizations and Groups dialog.

Wrestler Display Order

The Wrestler Display Order dialog allows you to re-order the wrestlers. Twooptions are given for dealing with the list: 'List Order' and 'Grouped by Org/Group'.No matter which option is selected, the dialog acts the same.

Drag and drop the wrestlers to re-order them. You will not be able to put someoneat the top of the list, so drag them to the top entry, then swap the top two items.This may be changed in the future, as it has the same problems as the TreeView inthe Organizations and Groups dialog.

Selecting a wrestler provides various information:

  • Name: The displayed name of the selected wrestler.
  • Wrestler ID: The selected wrestler's ID.
  • Sort Order: The selected wrestler's current position in the overall sort order list.
  • Current Org.: The parent organization of the group the selected wrestler is in.
  • Current Group: The group the selected wrestler is in.
  • Wrestler Type: Shows the wrestler type; one of Preset, Local, or Workshop Wrestler. If the wrestler is a Workshop wrestler, the ID is shown to the right and can be clicked to view the wrestler in the Workshop dialog.

If the wrestler is a Workshop wrestler, the following fields appear:

  • Title: The title of the Workshop wrestler.
  • Author: If the author of this item is known, the Steam User ID and friendly name are shown here.

The 'View in Wrestler Dialog...' button is only usable with Local and Workshopwrestlers. When clicked, it will open the Edit Wrestler dialog with the selectedwrestler's information.


The program is capable of re-ordering your wrestlers automatically based on certaincriteria.

  • Alphabetical: Sort wrestlers by their display name.
  • Edit Points (Ascending): Sort wrestlers by Edit Points from lowest to highest.
  • Edit Points (Descending): Sort wrestlers by Edit Points from highest to lowest.
  • Organization/Group: Sort wrestlers based on the Organization and Group display order.
  • Wrestler ID: Sort wrestlers by their internal IDs.

Alphabetical sorting support is considered incomplete, since it does notattempt to take Japanese character order into account.

List Order

The 'List Order' option orders the wrestlers by the actual values in the savefile. This is similar to what you get in the in-game Sort Wrestlers interface.

Grouped by Org/Group

The 'Grouped by Org/Group' limits the available wrestlers to a specific group,based on the group chosen in the dropdown box.

Move Names

Fire Pro Wrestling World allows you to globally rename moves. This is usefulif you find that the new default move names aren't memorable enough. However,these values are best set in the game itself, so this section is read-only.


View and edit information about Title belts.


  • Name: Name of this title.
  • Title ID: Internal ID for this title.

Design Elements

  • Strap: Strap design for this title.
  • Plate: Plate design for this title.

Color panels can be right clicked to display a context menu, allowing for copyingand pasting of colors. Since there are only two colors though, this is mostly pointless.

Match Conditions

  • Weight Class: The weight class for this title. All wrestlers can compete for Heavyweight titles, but only Juniors can compete for Junior titles.
  • Match Type: The match type this title is contested in.
  • Participants: The number of participants per side.

Current Champion(s)

View information about the current holder(s) of this title.

  • Wrestler: Wrestler ID and name for this entry.
  • Controller #: Controller number for this entry.
  • Costume: Costume number for this entry.
  • Second: Is this entry a Second/manager?

View Match Options

Clicking the 'View Match Options...' button brings up the Title Match Optionsdialog. The data in this dialog is read-only. Most values are decoded at this point,though the Arena is an exception.

Title History

Upon clicking the 'View Title History...' button, the Title History dialogappears. Information about the current and previous belt holders can be viewed.


Displays achievement unlock status as stored in the save file. Values are noteditable and may not be up to date with Steam servers.


Displays mission clear status. Values are not editable, since this program is madeby one of the 7 people who actually plays the game from time to time. ;D

Online Records

Displays the online records associated with this save file. Values are not editable.


The Workshop portion of the program handles the Steam Workshop informationcontained in the save file. Workshop information is separated into fourcategories: Published Items, Subscribed Wrestlers, Subscribed Referees, andSubscribed Ring Items.

Published Items

The Published Items section contains information on the wrestlers and refereesyou've published to the Steam Workshop.

  • Title: The title of the item.
  • Local Item ID: The local ID of the item.
  • Sub Item ID: The item Sub ID. Only useful for RingCraft elements at the moment.
  • Item Type: Workshop item type, either Wrestler or Referee.
  • Visibility: Workshop item visibility.
  • Workshop Link: If the visibility of the item is public, a link to the workshop item will appear. Clicking it will open the workshop item's page in the web browser.
  • Description: Description text for the item.
  • Change Notes: The latest set of change notes for the item.
  • Tags: A list of the various tags applied to this workshop item.

Subscribed Wrestlers

The Subscribed Wrestlers tab shows all of your subscribed wrestlers (accordingto the save file, anyways).

Subscribed Wrestler Information
  • Title: The title of this subscribed wrestler.
  • Local ID: The Local ID of the wrestler in the save data.
  • Sub Item ID: The item Sub ID. Typically set to 0 for Wrestlers and Referees.
  • Time Stamp: Date and time of the last update for this subscribed wrestler.
  • Workshop Link: A link to the item on the Steam Workshop.
  • Author: If the author of this item is known, the Steam User ID is displayed as a clickable link, with the friendly name shown next to it. The Steam User ID link goes to the author's Workshop page for Fire Pro World creations.
Local Wrestler Information
  • Display Name: The display name of this subscribed wrestler.
  • Current Location: The current location of this subscribed wrestler, in the format '[Organization] - [Group]'.

Subscribed Referees

The Subscribed Referees portion of the dialog works similar to the SubscribedWrestlers section.

Subscribed Ring Items

Fire Pro Wrestling World Caws Download Ps4

The Subscribed Ring Items page contains information about downloaded ring textures.Unlike other subscribed types, the Ring Items page makes use of the 'Sub Item ID'field. Otherwise, it's similar to the other Subscribed item pages, but currentlylacks deletion features.

View Texture

When the 'Fire Pro World Directory' option is properly configured, the'View Texture' button is enabled. Selecting an item and pressing this buttonwill display the texture in a new window, which you can close with the Escapebutton on the keyboard.

Update Author...

Both the Subscribed Wrestlers and Subscribed Referee tabs allow you to updatethe author information stored in the program's databases.

The Item Title, Item Type, and Workshop ID are displayed, followed by a dropdownbox containing the existing authors, as well as the 'Add New Author...' button,and the standard OK/Cancel buttons.

If you know the author already exists in the author database, select theirentry from the dropdown box. Otherwise, press the 'Add New Author...' buttonand read the next section.

Add Author

Adding an author requires you to know their Steam User ID. To obtain the SteamUser ID value, you can plug in a user name or profile URL to thecalculator on SteamDB. Copy the number found next to 'SteamID', and paste itinto the 'Steam ID' textbox. After doing so, enter a more familiarname in the 'Author Name' textbox and press the OK button. The author will beadded to the end of the dropdown box's list in the Update Author dialog.

Database Sections

As Fire Pro Wrestling World does not provide a method of mapping Workshopitems to Authors, trying to manage a collection gets tricky.

Author Database

The Author Database section of the program provides an interface for mappingSteam User ID numbers to more familiar names. To add an entry, scroll to the endof the list, then double click on the empty cell in the 'Steam ID' column.

To obtain the Steam User ID value, you can plug in a user name or profile URLto the calculator on SteamDB.Copy the number found next to 'SteamID', and paste it into the cell in the'Steam ID' column. After doing so, enter a more familiar name in the cell nextto the one you entered the Steam User ID into.

Item Authors

The Item Authors database window handles mapping Workshop item IDs to theAuthor IDs found in the Author Database. It is provided to give a view of theentire list at once, and is not particularly user-friendly. Adding and editingitems via the grid view is not recommended, as the Workshop dialog provides bettertools for managing item authors.

Add Item

Version adds an 'Add Item' button, which allows you to enter data foran item you may not particularly have downloaded.

Importing Wrestlers from Fire Pro Wrestling Returns

Version of the Fire Pro World Save Tool introduces the ability to importwrestlers from Fire Pro Returns, by way of the FirePro Returns Wrestler Tool.

Notes and Limitations


Since Fire Pro Wrestling World made a number of changes under the hood,not every wrestler imported from a .fpwedit file will be perfect.

Here are a list of notes and known issues related to importing wrestlers from Returns:

  • Appearances are not fully ported. – As of v1.0.6.0,most of the appearance data is ported over, with the notable exceptions of colorsand Head/Face Layers. Head/Face Bases are ported, but any extra layers used onyour character's Returns head won't be there by default.
    As for the colors, it's possible to create a database of parts that attempts tomap one of the Returns colors to the World color slot per part, but this obviouslywill not work for more creative uses of the Returns color palettes. Suchan idea is also not particularly a priority.
  • Biography text is not ported. – Biography text is notsupported in Fire Pro World. If this changes, importing may support it.
  • Theme music is not ported. – Fire Pro World currentlycontains zero of the theme songs found in previous games, including Returns.You will have to set the theme you want (but if you were planning on using acustom theme, you were going to do this anyways).
  • Not all Fire Pro Returns voices exist in Fire Pro World. – Thoughthe old Fire Pro Returns voice types were added in Fire Pro World v0.9010, not allof the voice samples were carried over. The program attempts to let you know whenimporting a wrestler that uses a deleted sound.
  • No attempt is made to utilize your existing moves in the pin slots. – Defaultvalues from the 'Build from Blank' wrestler are provided so the game doesn't go haywire.
  • CPU Logic does not take new slots into account. – Thenew slots in question are: Down Face Up (Pin), Down Face Down (Pin), and PrioritySlots 4-10.
  • Weird dots may appear in the Finisher Name. – Hopefullydecoding of Finisher Names has been fixed in v1.0.5.1, but freem has not gottenaround to testing it. Please report if Finisher Names of imported wrestlers arestill broken with the latest version.
    I'm unsure if this issue extends to any of the Name values (Short, Long, Nickname).
  • Wrestlers with more than one Finisher will only keep the first finisher.
    Wrestlers with more than four Specialty moves will only keep the first four. – Bothof these limitations exist due to the author not wanting to mess up online play for others.

Exporting .fpwedit Files

In order to follow these steps, you will need to download the latest versionof the Fire Pro Wrestling ReturnsWrestler Tool. Some steps are not explained in detail here; please read themanual for the Fire Pro Returns Wrestler Tool for detailed information on programusage.

The first step (after extracting the save file required by the Returns WrestlerTool) is to open the save in the Returns Wrestler Tool.

Exporting a Single Wrestler

If you only want to export one wrestler at a time, first select the wrestleryou want to export in the interface using the 'Wrestler Slot' combo box:

Once you've selected the wrestler, select 'Wrestler'→'Export Wrestler Data'from the menu. This will bring up the export dialog:

Within the Export dialog, you can set the edit author's name (if you know it;if not, leave it blank) and provide any notes about the edit. Anything stored inthe Notes box will be shown during the import process in the Fire Pro World SaveTool. Press the 'Export...' button to bring up a save file dialog, then save thefile and head to 'Importing .fpwedit Files'.

Exporting Multiple Wrestlers

If exporting the wrestlers one by one seems too tedious, there is an option toexport multiple wrestlers at once (as of Returns Wrestler Tool v0.0.2.1). The formatof each line is:

Slot ID: Wrestler Display Name (Nickname) (Bio Line 1 Bio Line 2)

The mass export dialog contains a few drawbacks, however...

  • You are not able to set Creator Name or Notes. The Creator Name is left blank,and the Notes contain the path of the save the wrestler was exported from, thewrestler's display name, nickname, and bio lines.
  • The biography lines have broken text (or overflowing text). See the note onFinisher Name Shift-JIS text conversions in the 'Notes and Limitations' sectionabove.

Importing .fpwedit Files

After exporting .fpwedit files from the Fire Pro Returns WrestlerTool, they can be imported in the Fire Pro World Save Tool via the 'Import' buttonin the Edit Wrestler dialog. Pressing the button brings upan open file dialog. Select one or more .fpwedit files for the wrestler(s)you want to import. After clicking 'Open', one of two dialogs will appear, dependingon how many wrestlers were selected.

Single Import

Importing a single .fpwedit file gives you this screen:

This dialog allows you to see some information about the wrestler to be imported.

  • File – Path to the file containing the data to import.
  • Wrestler Name – Display name of the imported wrestler.
  • Edit Maker – Identity of the edit maker, if known. (This is entered during the .fpwedit export process.)
  • Biography – Biography values from the imported wrestler.
  • Notes – Any notes entered during .fpwedit export appear in this box.

Upon pressing the 'Import' button, the wrestler will be added to the save dataas a local wrestler (meaning you can edit them in-game). Similar to bringing someoneover from a save in Fire Pro Returns, the imported wrestler will end up in the'Retired' section.

Mass Import

Importing multiple .fpwedit files gives you this screen:

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The columns of the grid are as follows:

  • Import – Checkbox that toggles importing of the wrestler.
  • Display Name – Display name of the imported wrestler.
  • Creator Name – Identity of the edit maker, if known. (This is entered during the .fpwedit export process.)
  • Notes – Any notes entered during .fpwedit export appear in this box.
  • File Path – Path to the file containing the data to import.

Upon pressing the 'Import' button, the wrestler will be added to the save dataas a local wrestler (meaning you can edit them in-game). Similar to bringing someoneover from a save in Fire Pro Returns, the imported wrestler will end up in the'Retired' section.

Progress Data

As of version, the Fire Pro Wrestling World Save Tool can readTournament and League progress data. Making sense of it is not exactly easy,however.

Disable Progress Data Checks

This setting allows the program to skip any tournament/league checks that arenormally required when deleting wrestlers, referees, rings, and titles.

This option should be enabled/checked if you have no tournament or leagueprogress data.


Of the two types of Progress data, Tournament data is more well understood.


League Progress data is not nearly as well understood, and the UI was hackedtogether just to put something there.

Game DLL Information

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When the Fire Pro Wrestling World directory is correctly set in the ProgramOptions, the 'Game DLL Information' option becomes available.

This dialog allows you to compare values in the Save Tool and the Game DLL.The primary use for this is to see if the version of the Save Tool you're usingis compatible with the version of Fire Pro Wrestling World you have installed.

The possible items that can be checked include:

  • Game Version: Internal version numbers. The first number isthe floating-point value (used for display), while the second is the integervalue (used in Tournament/League Progress data).
  • Save Data Version: Internal SaveData version number. This istypically the value that will determine whether or not your version of the Save Toolcan handle the current game version's save data.

Upon release of a new version of Fire Pro Wrestling World, the values of the'Game Version' and 'Save Data Version' variables can change.

When items match, the background will turn green. In the case of differingvalues, at least one cell's background will turn red, and one of two outcomesmay occur.

  • Save Tool Value is lower than Game DLL Value: This is the common case whenthe game has updated.
  • Save Tool Value is greater than Game DLL Value: You have a newer versionof the Fire Pro World Save Tool that will likely mess up your save. Please see theprogram's website for links to the last compatible version of the Save Tool.



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For the time being, changelog information is found in 'changelog.txt'.


Program and Manual by freem

Special Thanks

(in no particular order)

  • the Fire Pro Wrestling World developers
  • Jason Blackhart
  • Carlzilla
  • Mike DG
  • Kactusken
  • DakotaK
  • Phil Parent
  • Fire Pro Club
  • Fire Pro Arena
  • the Fire Pro fan community at large

This program is not endorsed, sponsored, or developed by Spike Chunsoft, ZEXCorporation, or anyone else involved in the development of Fire Pro Wrestling World.

Use at your own risk. ALWAYS MAKE BACKUPS.